Satisfaction is the first point that inspires and drives our corporate philosophy.
Satisfaction for the people who make up Proquimetal. They are the company’s most valuable asset. We promote their comprehensive development in a pleasant and motivating environment that favors good relationships and rapport in the workplace.
We are a competitive, responsible company that is committed to our customers and suppliers. This is the reason behind the large number of companies that trust us, because working with Proquimetal is a guarantee of satisfaction, safety and results.
Our product’s excellence and the quality of service are our business model’s two key pillars.
We apply the value contribution criterion to ensure that our products and services cover customers’ and consumers’ needs and that they do so better than the competition.
We always factor in the ethical implications related to corporate dealings. “Goals are not to be reached at any price” is one of our maxims.
And together with our commitment with efficiency and quality, we are especially aware of our duty to protect the environment.
We are developing products that are increasingly more tolerant with the environment. We use raw materials that come from renewable sources that are easily biodegradable. We educate our consumers and customers on proper use and dosage.